Engine + Transmission Return Policy & Warranty
We do our best to accurately describe our advertised items. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to make sure that the purchased item is a correct fit and, fit for the intended purpose. Any errors or, omission on our part are unintentional, if you have any doubts or, questions please feel free to contact us.
Used auto parts may have minor wear and tear or, imperfections. Please view the photos and, description closely to determine the condition of the item.
Warranty Details
All engines, transmissions and differentials purchased from MPerformance.parts include a 30-day start-up warranty, commencing from the time that you sign the delivery note. After the effluxion of 30 days from date of receipt of the goods all warranties save those provided by law shall lapse. Any engine, transmission and or differential purchased must be installed within the start-up warranty period by a certified mechanic with qualifications and experience acceptable to MPerformance.parts.
In the unlikely event of an engine block, head, transmission or differential being defective, MPerformance.parts will require a detailed written description of the defect from a certified mechanic whose qualifications and experience is acceptable to MPerformance.parts. Failing to do so may void any warranty. A copy of the Mechanics Certification along with his/her contact information must be provided. MPerformance.parts will then contact the Certified Mechanic to satisfy itself that the warranty is applicable.
All communication respecting return & defective claims should be communicated through email ONLY, not by telephone, MPerformance.parts may grant a returns code without which code, no goods will be received by MPerformance.parts. After the matter is considered, if thought fit MPerformance.parts May in MPerformance.parts' absolute and unfettered discretion provide a return code. No replacement or refund will be issued without having received and accepted the content of the Defective Product Report. The goods must at the sender’s entire risk and expense be returned to MPerformance.parts at our premises and, the goods must be received in the same condition as it was shipped. MPerformance.parts may in certain circumstances in it its absolute discretion pay and or contribute toward the cost of return.
Our inspection member will check the item to make sure that it matches the serial numbers on record. Engines, transmissions and differentials will be checked to make sure all accessories are still intact as at the time the item was shipped to the customer. Warranty does not cover oil leaks, blown head gasket or any other engine damage due to overheating caused by poor water circulation, clogged radiator, stuck thermostat, faulty water pump, or insufficient amount of oil in the engine. MPerformance.parts' warranty does not cover your negligence and mishandling respecting and or using and or running the product. You must replace oil filter and spark plugs.
Any engine or parts that are found to have been improperly and negligently treated, used, overheated or show any signs of misuse howsoever caused and or, damage due to improper or unqualified installation procedures, or signs of aftermarket forced induction systems or Nitrous Oxide will NOT be covered by this warranty.
All external parts attached to the engine, including but not limited to, all intake and exhaust manifolds, carburettor, distributor, alternator, starter, turbo/s, a/c pumps, emission control devices, flywheel, torque converters, clutch and pressure plated, water pump, thermostat, belts, hoses, timing belt, timing chain, pulleys, oil pan, etc are NOT covered by warranty.
- Any damage caused by abuse, neglect, accident or natural perils.
- Loss caused by the engine being improperly installed. Engines must be installed by a certified mechanic.
- Decrease in performance of any covered part due to normal wear and tear (unless actual breakdown occurs), having regard to inherent manufacturing faults in some engine models.
- Loss caused by any modification or use of the engine for which it was not originally designed. (Boost Controllers and Aftermarket ECU’S are instant void).
- The engine if it is used for competitive driving or racing.
- Repairs performed without prior authorisation from MPerformance.parts. (Problems with start-up must be reported to MPerformance.parts before any repairs are to be done)
All body parts, interior parts, wheels, & suspension are not under warranty. These parts are always sold “as is.”